Surprises and tomatoes and canning, oh my!

Three or so weeks ago, I declared tomato season done.  Vancouver’s rains had kicked in, it had gotten cold, the tomato plants were just about dead, and covered (still) with a smattering of still-green fruit.  After a paltry harvest of, oh, half a handful of sub-par fruit, I called eff it and enjoyed the last…

Chard, Chickpeas, and Caramelized Chips

Check out this chard. I visit one of my favourite farms every Wednesday, and this week, I was taken over by this gigantic chard.  If chard could knock one down based on dimension, freshness, and squeaky-green beauty, I would have been flat on the farm store floor.  Instead, I snagged it, took it home, and…

Chickpea Salad – a Tale of Slaughter

You might think vegan blogging involves zero slaughter.  You’d be wrong. As I sat to write this late night post on Chickpea Salad, snuggled in my fleecy old bathrobe and well-loved flannel pants, contemplating my negligence as a blogger (11 days since my last post?), I tucked my legs into a comfy cross-legged position.  And…

Classic Vegan Quiche

I’m supremely eager to post about Johnny Cake, Red Bean Stew, Mise en Place versus mess, and consumer responsibility with a somewhat thin wallet.  But I promised to post about quiche quickly, so here I go. I’ve always loved a breakfast or dinner pie.  Hearty, savoury, and heavy on the pastry.  Vegan quiche, much like…

Breakfast Brownies

I’m stealing a few moments for a quick brownie post.  Brownies are one of the first things I veganized.  Some standard recipes call for eggs, in which case I’d use 1 tbsp ground flax with 1/4 cup water to replace each egg.  This particular recipe, though is simply flour, cocoa, sweetness, fat, a touch of…

Tofurky Adventures, Old and New

Tofurky.  For years, my knowledge of this longstanding but still somewhat controversial commercial vegan holiday festive protein lump was restricted to “hehe, funny word,” followed by endless conversations punctuated with the ultimate vegan diss: “Tofurky you!” Last year, this changed.  One of my best BC girlfriends and I picked up the Tofurky Feast–the soy and…

Oven-roasted yumminess

Every weekend, fella and I like to suit up and head out to Westham Island.  Now, Westham Island is, unlike some of the other, better known “islands” in Metro Vancouver, actually an island.  Yes, Granville Island, I’m looking at you.  Unlike Annacis Island, which sounds like it should be peopled with elves and giant dragonflies…